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5 Tips To Make Your Job Ad Stand Out on Social Media

​Overlooking the importance of a great job ad is an all too common misdemeanour for anyone advertising a new position. LinkedIn feeds are often just a stream of boring adverts that barely draw your eyes past the first few words, never mind actually clicking the link to the job description. So, how do you stand out? Follow these 5 simple and quick tips that won’t disappoint.

Use an Image

First things first, get your most important information captured in an image. “People following directions with text and illustrations do 323% better than people following directions without illustrations(source)

Programmes likePabloorCanvaare simple-to-use graphic tools that will help you here. Choose an image, add some succinct, informative key points and you’re good to go. TOP TIP – try to think outside the box when it comes to finding an image. Something engaging, rather than just a smiley lady shaking hands…

Something a little like this: 

Benefits, Benefits, Benefits.

Once you’ve got your image together you need to think about what to write in your status bar. What makes your job amazing? Think incentives, think unique job perks, think corporate reputation. Remember that not every candidate is financially motivated, i.e. “this company offers a bring your dog to work policy/volunteering opportunities in the community/ meditation classes…”.  It’s about what the candidate needs from the job,  not the job needs from the candidate.

Get Rid of the Boring Adjectives

An exciting company? Dedicated and enthusiastic candidate? An incredible salary? All these clichés are repetitive and bring no relevant information to the table. Explain why and how.

Include a Link to the Actual Job

Your social media post should only be a couple of lines long. All the real information will be in the job advert on your website or Seek or other job platform. Include the URL to direct traffic to where you need them to go, make sure the registration is simple, people are often put off by a long application process.

Clickable Contact Details

Including one contact detail in your post, (as well as on the image) means this can be copy and pasted. With phone numbers candidates can click and directly call too.

Social media is a great resource for passive candidates. Make a great impression, with a professional, engaging post and you'll find things might be a little easier.