
Useful information to Job Seekers

Be Prepared

Know Your Product – You


Register Your CVRequest a confidential conversation

Before formally starting your interview, an interviewer may engage you in a general conversation. This may happen as you walk to the room, and get a coffee or glass of water.

They may not be consciously looking for it, but be ready to talk about your life outside of work in a way that shows 'you have a life' and not in a way that may indicate that your personal life impinges on work.


Without referring to your resume, be able to give a brief overview of your work history. Again, without referring to your resume, be able to talk in detail about your last three positions. This will entail a couple of sentences on the company, a couple on what your role was, and then detailed information about your achievements.

To identify your achievements, ask yourself:

  • What was my task? Size of projects, management capability and achievements. What makes you better than the next interviewed candidate?

  • How was my job performance measured?

  • What reasons did I have or would have had to justify a pay rise?

  • What were my key performance indicators

In a sales or executive management role, know all of the following:

  • What are your company or project budgets, achievements, strategy, capabilities,

  • What you achieved.

Think of a couple of examples of different situations that relate to your work experience. For example:

  1. What would you do if you were in this situation?

  2. Well, I experienced a similar situation and did this...


You may be asked bluntly, 'Where do you see yourself in five years?' or you may not. Either way, there is a good chance you will be asked this question.

Have an answer that reflects some positive truth about you while not shooting yourself in the foot. Remember that you are being interviewed for a certain position; by the time you are employed, trained, and up and running, any employer will want a return on investment before promotion, so be realistic in your reply.

How do I resign in the right way?

Sooner or later, we all get to the point where we need to resign to pursue the next stage of our careers. Many people fear the whole process of resigning, so they don’t handle it very well.

There is a right way and a wrong way to resign. Doing it wrong can lead to bad feelings between you and your employer, or worse, a bad reference. Doing it correctly will contribute to continued personal and career development success.

Considering your options before you make a decision

When you’re getting ready to resign, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the real reason why you are leaving this job? Be honest!

  • Are you committed to leaving? Make a list of the reasons why you should resign.

  • Have you exhausted all possibilities of advancement in this organisation?

  • Would you still leave if you were offered more money or a promotion?

  • How is your career going with this organisation? Ask your boss, personnel or HR manager to assess how they think you're doing.

  • Will you be better off in your new job? Consider money, location, career and personal development as the main factors.

  • Ask your family – is it the best thing for them? How do they think you should progress?

  • What does your heart say? What does your head say?

Before making any announcement:

  • Make sure you know what you are doing.

  • Be prepared.

  • Be positive.

Managing the face-to-face resignation meeting


If necessary, note down the main points to solidify them in your mind. The boss will try to probe you for more information than you may want to give. Don’t be obstructive: Clairfy that you are submitting an oral resignation.


Unless you move town or switch industries, there’s always a chance that you will come in contact with your former employers at some point in the future.

For this reason, don’t dwell on the negative aspects of your time there or criticise how things are run, even if they ask you for details. No one wants criticism, no matter how constructive.


Unless your boss expects you to resign, your decision may surprise you. They may get emotional or even confrontational when it is more important than ever to stick to your prepared comments.


The boss may no longer see you as a team player or feel betrayed. Once again, stick to your pre-prepared comments and avoid rising to the challenge. Speak in measured tones, maintain eye contact, and regulate your breathing.


Always leave the meeting on a good note and be as cooperative as possible. Stress that you will hand over any uncompleted work to the best of your ability and arrange your work so that your replacement can pick up where you left off with minimal delay. People remember both the first and last impression you make on them.


A written letter of resignation gives you more time to prepare what you want to say and gives you greater control of your message. Use this opportunity constructively.

In its simplest form, a resignation letter should only include the following information: name, date, the person to whom it is addressed, a notice of termination of employment, when this is effective and finally, your signature.

For example:

Dear <recipient’s name>,
As requested by my employment contract, I give you weeks’ notice of my intention to leave my position as <your job title>.
I wish both you and <the name of your employer> every good fortune. I want to thank you for having me as part of your team.
Yours sincerely,
<Your name and signature>


92% of accepted counter-offers are not employed by the same employer 14 months later.

Be prepared for a counter-offer, and consider it seriously. You may be offered the very things you are hoping to get by switching jobs, such as a higher salary, a move to another location, a step up the career ladder.


When considering a counter-offer, review your list of reasons for resigning, and ask yourself:

  • Is this what you want?

  • Has anything changed?

  • Why did you decide to resign in the first place?

  • Does this offer address all of your reasons for resigning?


Importantly, consider whether you will have the same standing within the company. The boss may now doubt your 100% commitment to the firm, so perhaps it would be better to move on.

If you decide to accept a counteroffer, this may mean disappointing your prospective employers. If so, how will this affect your integrity with them? Again, you never know when you may have to deal with them.


Give proper notice.
Ensure you’ve at least the required notice of your intention to leave. This period should be stated in your contract or the Company handbook. If your contract doesn’t define a notice period, you should assume you must provide four weeks’ notice.

Take what’s owed to you.
Work out what leave entitlements, bonuses, commission payments or outstanding salary you owe and negotiate a fair settlement.

Make the handover as smooth as you can.
Ensure you’ve completed any outstanding tasks and participated in smoothly handing over any unfinished work. Try to leave your tasks in good order so your replacement can pick up where you left off relatively easily; if you leave a shambles for them to clean up, they will curse your name. Ensure your boss knows you’ve actively participated in this process and have been as cooperative as possible.

Don’t burn your bridges
Take time to speak to all your colleagues and associates. Give them support and positively comment on their contribution to your time there. Try to remain in touch because, again, you never know when they’ll play a role in your personal and career development in the future.