
Work Health and Safety Policy

Contact Officer

Compliance Officer, Kawany Lins

Date Approved


Approval Authority

Managing Director

AustCorp is committed to protecting the health and Safety of all its workers, whether they are direct employees, contractors or on hire placed with other employers. A safe workplace includes our commitment to provide a safe workplace which is free from bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination.

AustCorp has developed a health and safety management system that is integrated with their organisational activities. All workers and managers have a responsibility to:

All workers are required to work safely, take all reasonable care for their own health and safety, and consider the health and safety of other people who may be affected by their actions.

AustCorp will take all reasonable and practical steps to improve work safety conditions and will strive to achieve a goal of zero injuries.

AustCorp is committed to:

  • Complying with all health and safety laws, regulations and standards for all its workers;

  • Establishing clear targets and objectives to improve health and safety in the workplace;

  • Identifying, assessing and planning to improve health and safety performance;

  • Ensuring all managers understand their responsibly for the health and safety of their workers and provide adequate resources to assist managers in this cause;

  • Ensuring all workers are aware of their responsibilities for their own health and safety and for others around them;

  • Ensuring all workers undertake suitable induction on joining the business that includes information about safe work practices generally and in relation to their specific work responsibilities, and how to respond to any risks, hazards or safety incidents;

  • Ongoing training, communications and discussions about health and safety in the workplace;

  • Maintaining relevant policies, procedures, information, training, and organisational structures to support and communicate effective health and safety practices throughout the business;

  • Encouraging active participation, consultation and cooperation of all workers, contractors, Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and visitors in promoting and developing measures to improve health and safety at work; and

  • Actively responding to and investigating all incidents, and ensuring injured workers are returned to suitable work at the earliest possible opportunity.

For workers placed at host client sites the business is further committee to:

  • Obtaining information from the host client about the type of work expected of the worker and the requirements for performing that work safely and competently;

  • Monitoring WHS systems of the host client and where possible inspecting worksites to assess the risks and hazards and to evaluate the effectiveness of the WHS systems in protecting the health and safety of the workers placed there.

  • Working with client WHS manager to assess client commitment and systems for keeping workers safe.

AustCorp has implemented and maintains management systems, policies and procedures designed to support the commitment and achieve health and safety targets. They are reviewed and monitored regularly to ensure their integrity and effectiveness.

The manager as an officer is responsible for:

  • Dealing promptly with health and safety issues as they arise

  • Providing employees with information and training

  • Reporting to Worksafe any reportable incidents

  • Working with clients to ensure employees are safe onsite

  • Employees have information to be aware of their own health and safety

Employees are responsible for:

  • Following rules, instructions and safe work procedures

  • To take reasonable care for their own health and safety

  • To take reasonable care for the health and safety of others

  • Reporting any hazards or safety issues identified in the workplace to the manager

  • Being involved in AustCorp consultation process by discussing WHS issues with managers or in WHS meetings

  • Abiding by company rules at all times to ensure a safe and healthy workplace for themselves and others

  • Not interfering with anything (including safety devices or emergency/first aid equipment) provided for their safety or the safety of other

Visitors are expected to:

  • Abide by all company rules and workplace health and safety procedures as provided to them.

  • To follow all reasonable instructions

If any Person becomes aware of a Hazard or Issue, they must immediately report the hazard or issue to the GM or Operations Director.

What we do to prevent Harm

  • Working with Plan Do Check Act AustCorp have a systematic approach to identify work related hazards .

  • Intervene early to identify risk and support any required recovery.



Implement any improvement opportunities

Consequences for non-compliance

Assessment of requirements, inputs/outputs

Development of Policy

Develop process including identification of need and reporting

Documentation of policy and processes




Internal audit of compliance

System for remaining up to date with legislative changes

Review policy and processes at least annually

Management and Executive review of incident, complaints and issues register

Training and reinforcement of policy and process for internal and on hire staff

WHS inspections of workplace (office)

Collection and review of client WHS system

Ensure on hire staff receive information to assist their obligation to work safely

Ensure on hire staff receive site specific induction

Ensure all staff understand how to report concerns and incident reporting

On Hire Flow

Prior to placement on client site

AustCorp Consultant to -

  • Assess client commitment to WHS (Using the checklist)

  • Recieve Client SWMS/JSA

  • Report concerns or non compliance to GM or Operations Director

  • Provide site information to the candidate

  • Do not place workers onsite if any concerns over commitment to worker safety.

Training for Worker

  • Via Workpro undertake assessment of required qualifications and training on site safety

  • Policy sign off via Astute payroll to acknowledge Drug and Alcohol use

  • Issue handbook and contact information

  • Consultant to Check and confirm site specific induction

Ongoing Support

  • AustCorp Handbook

  • Open communication and check-in's via consultant

  • Knowledge of how to report any concerns or incidents

  • Keeping in touch with the candidate throughout the placement process

Incident Reporting

​Right to Stop Work or Refuse Unsafe Tasks

We prioritise the health and safety of our employees. Every individual has the right to stop work or refuse tasks if they believe it would pose a risk to themselves or other people.

Process for Stop Work:

  • Reporting: Employees are encouraged to report any safety concerns or hazards immediately to their direct supervisor or designated safety personnel, as well as to Austcorp that will take actions to protect our employees.

  • Assessment and Action: Upon receiving a report of unsafe conditions, our designated personnel will promptly assess the situation and take appropriate action to mitigate the risk.

  • Alternative Duties: In situations where work must be stopped, alternative duties may be assigned to employees until the safety concern is resolved.

  • Return to Work: Once the safety concern has been addressed and it is deemed safe to resume work, employees will be informed and directed to return to their regular duties.

Any illness or injury which resulted in attendance to hospital at the time or within 48 hours other notifiable are outlined at:

Safe Work Australia


Safe work NSW


Work Safe QLD


SafeWork Vic


Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety


Related policies

  • Incident, Complaints and Issues policy and procedure

  • Drug and Alcohol policy

Related documents

  • Client checklist

  • Site induction checklist

  • Office safety checklist

  • On Hire Handbook

  • Workpro Induction
