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Part Time Recruiter | Full Time Mum

​The Diary of a Working 'AustCorp' Mum

The part time role – especially one that you enjoy is truly the holy grail of the working mum (and some dads!) but it does more often than not mean working out of part time hours. Replying to emails, taking calls from clients and candidates and searching / networking for the perfect candidate, this is often done from my car whilst waiting outside the school, dance studio, cricket oval etc. Thanks to the power of mobile technology I am able to work on the hoof with little issues (other than the odd little voice from the back seat asking me if remembered their sport kit, water bottle, afternoon snack, etc.)

Anyone doing a job that they love is going to go above and beyond to be a success but part time working mums give 110% as we really appreciate the opportunity and want to prove to our employer that we are worth it!

Another thing, part time workers may often value our jobs and employers so much that we are extremely hesitant about taking sick leave, even when genuinely sick, we soldier on regardless as we invariably have to do the school run anyway, so we may as well get out of bed and get to the office! 

Also on the occasion that a part-time worker has a sick child, or needs to attend a school function, taking extra time off as a feels like you’re taking advantage, even when totally justifiable and this leads to us swapping our days around just to ensure we able to keep up with our work load.

Sadly there is often a distorted perception of us part timers; so many people think that we meet fellow mums for a social after school. The reality is that we are always under sever time pressures, watching the clock to ensure no one is left standing on a pavement after school, rushing between various extracurricular activities whilst taking work calls, checking emails and picking up groceries, walking the dog and cooking dinner while supervising homework and also preparing school lunches for the next day!

Although being a working mother is clearly a challenge on one’s multitasking skills and sense of humour (oh I wish they could perfect the art of time travel to make my life simpler), thanks to my understanding employer, I am one of the lucky ones who (for the most part) are enjoying the enviable work life balance that part time employment offers in a job that I genuinely love!

Written by Hayley Smith who works out of our Perth Office. Hayley works within the FM/CRE Division - to get in contact with her see below. 

D +61 (0) 86316 3202  

M +61 (0) 450 107 649